Picture this:
It is a beautiful Sunday evening. You decide to walk down to the city harbor to get out of your apartment and peruse some shops. You stop to get your favorite tea on your way back. As you're walking back to your apartment, you see a line of boys and decide to avoid them, being that you are by yourself. Then you hear them yell "YO GIRL! WHY YOU WALKIN' THAT WAY? LET ME SUCK YOUR P***Y".
Yes, I am serious.
Yes, I stopped in my tracks.
Mind you- there are about 20-25 other people standing around there, waiting for the bus. It took every fiber of my being not to turn around and go off.
I don't even know where to start. Who talks like that to women?! Who talks like that period?! Where the hell do you learn that that's okay?!
I've dealt with males saying stuff to me my entire life. I have no problem answering their stupid ass remarks with bitchy retorts. But why is it that it tends to be younger African-American boys that think they can talk like that? The most APPALLING things have been said to me by boys who are probably between 16 and 22 and I'm just walking down the street, minding my own damn business.
When I lived in this city before, I would discuss this with some of the African-American ladies that I worked with. And by discuss I mean trade horror stories. I just don't understand what it is about the African-American culture that makes it okay for males to talk to women in such a way that is both infuriating and degrading.
It makes me angry.
It makes me sad.
It makes me want to punch a mother fucker in the face.
It just makes me feel like that we, as women, just can't win. We're regarded as both trash and treasure no matter how hard we work. I mean, c'mon guys, without us you wouldn't exist. You need our baby-cookers to be able to create life. And let me tell ya, yelling "YO LET ME SUCK YOUR P***Y" is not what a lady wants to hear. That isn't what ANYONE wants to hear.
I love living in the city, I do. I can handle myself and these dumb asses who insist on being stupid. But we really need to take a step back and really examine ourselves as a culture. Both the "men" who insist on treating women like crap and the women who don't stand up for themselves.
End rant.